Finally, it seems that this blog is becoming a real blog, i.e. updated more or less every day ! Today, a lot of philosophical thoughts about life, Italian spirituality and architecture.
No, actually I think I'll just put some pictures and add a few comments... Anyway, enjoy !
Language mixing theory
It's the first time in my short life that I've had the occasion to (try to) speak four different languages during only one day :
- French (motherlanguage),
- English (learnt at school, spoken and improved a lot in BEST),
- Italian (learnt last year and spoken here),
- Dutch (learnt at school and unfortunately almost never practised in the real life).
I speak French mainly with the French and Belgian Erasmus students here, but also sometimes with a few Italian people learning or speaking French.
English is naturally the most used language with the Erasmus, and also sometimes with my academic advisor.
Sometimes, I try to speak also Dutch (or Flemish, it's the same) with some Belgian Erasmus. I said "try to speak", not "speak fluently". Indeed, it's a pitty (or maybe a shame), but I'm not able to really speak the motherlanguage of the half of the population of Belgium !
Anyway, after a lot of courses at school but a lack of practice, I still remember the basics and I'm able to express myself ;-) However, sometimes I need a lot of concentration to find some words. So, this kind of conversation looks like :
"Hello. Last day, I ... went to Piazza Something, because... ... (you can notice the double "...", i.e. a long while, due to the difficult sentence construction in dutch after because-omdat) I wanted to visit that thing"
Moreover, as I said before, some days I switch from French to Dutch, then from Dutch to Italian, and finally to English. I can ensure you that it's very hard, and it happens (especially in the morning when I'm still sleepy) that I use some English words in a Dutch sentence.
After a long thinking time (ten minutes), I discovered a new theory about languages. Here you are this wonderful theory...
Normal people can learn without too many difficulties two, three or four languages. Unfortunately, as in a computer hard drive, the available space easily and quickly accessible is limited. I drew a little diagram illustrating this idea.

Torino's night life

1 commento:
hi every person,
I identified after previous months and I'm very excited much to commence participating. I are basically lurking for the last month but figured I would be joining and sign up.
I am from Spain so please forgave my speaking english[url=].[/url][url=].[/url][url=].[/url]
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