La cucina italiana
I'd like to speak about a few typical things that you can find in - almost - every italian kitchen.
First af all, the pastas. It isn't a secret anymore, Italian people like pastas! At every normal meal, you can have pastas. Usually, Italian meals are composed of three or four dishes :
- primo piatto : pastas or rice with some saus
- secondo piatto : meat
- contorno : vegetables (cold or warm)
- dessert

Then, another Italian tradition : the coffee machine ! Italian people are coffee lover and coffee addicted, and I understand why. Indeed, their coffee is really small, but quite strong and very tasty...
But I'm still wondering why they use this old coffee machine at the era of automation, electronics and whatever.

Another ingredient typically Italian : the Nutella! I didn't know it before, but Nutella is from Italy! OK, I'd have had to guess it during the international evening of the PM, when the Italian BESTies brought Nutella (I won't tell you what they did with it, I prefer to let you guess)...

And last, and least, cultural shock of the Italian kitchen : this brilliant place where you put all the plates without having to dry them !

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