So, today, I'll speak about : tiramisu, Belgo-Colombian meeting, spaghetti carbonara, beers, Low Lands Meeting and Italian TV. Let's go!
Spaghetti carbonara, tiramisu and Belgo-Colombian meeting
Yesterday I invited Luz and my flatmate Nicola (an Italian student) to try my experimental cooking for the lunch.
Maybe you're wondering who is Luz (maybe not, but anyway I'll tell you who she is). Luz is a Colombian girl, who arrived in Torino three years ago for an exchange program (like Erasmus but with South America) and started a PhD two years ago. I met her in Lödz, in Poland, about two years ago, with about twenty other fantastic people, during a BEST Summer Course - where we learnt a lodz of things, but I only remember how to say in Polish "you've beautiful legs, especially the left one"). It's so great to meet again somebody you met such a long time ago!

For this historical South America - Europa meeting, I cooked a beautiful tiramisu and spaghetti carbonara! Yeah! You can't imagine how proud I was (after four years of mainly frozen pizzas/lasagne/kebab/petits plats de Maman as meals)!
The end of the beers at 80 cents ;-(
One month and a few days after my arrival in Torino, I can start to think about the advantages and disadvantages of Torino compared with Louvain-la-Neuve (LLN). I won't enumerate all the good points of Torino, it could be too long (and I'm also lazy now).
Even if I wasn't used to go out very often in LLN, I see a big disadvantage of Torino compared with LLN : the quality and the price of the beers. Italy isn't famous for its beers, so I won't speak about the quality of the Italian beers compared with the Belgian ones. Hopefully, about the second point (the price of the beers), I'll have a temporary solution : Low Lands Meeting (LLM) !
*Low Lands Meeting*, by LBG Eindhoven
The Low Lands Meeting is an internal (i.e. only for BEST members) BEST event. It is a Regional Meeting (RM) who gather BESTies (BEST members) from Belgium (there are six local groups, with about twenty members per group), the Netherlands (one local group in Eindhoven) and North of France. So, more than 150 of crazy people will meet during one weekend (19th-21st of October) for discussing, following trainings, discovering what's BEST, having fun and... drinking Hollandia !
As you fortunately don't know, Hollandia is the name of a cheap dutch beer (as Cara in Belgium, but a lot worse). Actually the only good point of this beer is its price. So, instead of expensive but not-too-bad Italian beers, I'll get very cheap but not good beer during three days.
Anyway, as I wrote before, it's gonna be a lot of fun!
The Italian TV
Have you ever wondered how could be the TV of the country of Leonardo da Vinci, Dante Alighieri, Michelangelo, Ciceron, Machiavel, Ovide, Umberto Eco and a lot of other exceptional personalities ?
Actually, Italian TV is : shitty and machist. Shitty because I don't count all the stupid reality TV shows happening now, even on the public television (la Rai). Machist, because in almost all the shows (not yet in the TV news) there's a cute woman, in bikini, doing nothing. She is there only to be seen. OK, I don't say that I don't like it (even if I'm not watching TV very often, there are so many better things to do here) but I think it's quite stupid...
1 commento:
gueule de bois = hangover, toujours bon à savoir, ca fait partie des premiers mots que j'ai appris
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