venerdì, novembre 03, 2006

"Tempo, marito e figli vengono come li pigli"

Hello reader from Belgium, Italy, France, Norway, Chili, USA, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Denmark, Canada and some other countries that I forget maybe !

L'inverno è arrivato...

Since a few days, the weather totally changed ; before Wednesday the sun was shining (or it was raining too), the temperature was high enough to go out in TShirt. Since Wednesday, the temperature is around 10 (at least I guess, because I didn't bring any thermometer), you can't go out without a pullover or a jacket, but the sun is still shining !
So, everything is OK ! Maybe except the exams that are coming too fast...

Anyway, I can still be happy when I saw the pictures from Estonia that Martin and Raido (two Erasmus students here) sent me.

The nice weather in Estonia...
Snow isn't always so "cool"...

Che ora è?

After those meteorological consideration, I'd like to speak about another fundamental problem that I discovered a few time ago. As you don't know, I've a nice panorama from the balcon of my room.

Panoramic view from my room. Every morning/midday I see that ; I love it! BTW, you can see how was the weather today, since I took this pic today.

As you can see, there's a church and a bell tower. So, every hald hour, I can hear the bells and know what time it is. However, I was a bit in trouble a few days ago when I heard the bells only once. I thought it was 1 pm, but actually it was 12:30 ! So, could somebody explain me how to know, by hearing the bells, if it's 12:30, 13:00 or 13:30 ? That's my current existential problem...

Low Lands Meeting... already 2 weeks ago

And the end for today : a picture of almost all the participants of LLM in Eindhoven. OK, maybe we were a bit less than 170 people, but it's still amazing.

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